Thursday, 22 November 2012


Today we're going to continue looking at hormones and the functions they have in the body.
Complete the following in your books:
  1. Watch this animation (use subtitles if you don't have headphones). Where does adrenaline get produced?
  2. From the link above, where is oestrogen produced?
  3. name one type of plant hormone, and explain what it does.
  4. Describe how ADH is involved with water balance.
  5. Why does the body need to stay at 37 degrees C?
  6. How does adrenaline affect the body?
  7. Explain how the drug ecstasy can influence water balance:
  8. Write down one new thing you've learnt today, and one question you have about what we've covered.
  9. Try this activity. What effect does respiration rate have on oxygen need?
  10. Use this interactive. By what process does homeostasis work?
  11. Try the game at the end of this slideshow. How can the body control temperature? The highest score in the class will get an achievement point. Good luck!

Extension - Explain how bacteria are used for insulin production.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

co-ordination and control

We're going to start looking at nervous impulses in the body in more detail today.  Answer the following in your books:
  1. What is the difference between a neuron and a nerve?
  2. What steps are involved in a reflex action? Use bullet points to explain them from start to finish:
  3. How is a reflex action different to a conscious action?
  4. Watch this animation, and explain what an effector is.
  5. Complete this activity, clicking 'stop and analyse'in the top corner once you've tried it. What things could influence how fast you react to the stimulus?
  6. Use this nobel prize interactive site to name the three main pats of a nerve cell.
  7. Using page 4 from the link above, explain what a synapse is and how impulses are carried through them.
  8. What is the sheath on the axon made from? What does this help with?
  9. Read the section on this page called 'when a signal doesn't reach its target'. What is the cause of multiple sclerosis?
  10. Try this interactive link and click on nervous system game. Name one effector you have placed into the body.
  11. Complete this activity, and say what the image is once you have: