For the ISA next year, you will be given a sheet and a hypothesis to investigate. The hypothesis for this investigation is
'How much vitamin C is in food depends upon the time the food is cooked for.'
You should write this word for word into the box on your sheet. Once you have done this, there are a few other sections.
Research sources:
Give the name of two books or websites you have used to do some background research for the practical, so that people could find them with the details you give. It would also be sensible to write a note reminding yourself what you get from each website. You can try
this one,
this one or find other information on your own.
This is where you need to write the steps that you will take in your practical to get your results. make sure you include as much detail as you can and don't miss any steps!
You need to produce a list of all the equipment you will need. Include amounts and numbers of things.
Risk assessment:
For the risk assessment, you need to think of things that could go wrong and what problems they would cause. If you can also think of ways to stop these things happening, put them in too.
For this section, you need to think of people or groups who would be interested in your experiment. list them and explain why they would want to know the results from your experiment.
Remember, you can take the sheet into the exam with you so including things like the independent and dependent variables, blank tables to record your results (with units in titles) and any other information that might help you is a good idea. Section 1 is basically re-writing this paper for marks so you're helping yourself do better later on!